Frequently Asked Questions 

What is Sex Therapy?
Sex Therapy is a type of counselling which focuses on things which are related to sex, anything from sexual concerns, sexual functioning to sexual expression and everything in between. Sex therapy is talk therapy and there is no touching involved. A sex therapist is an individual who has specialised in training to help provide the most appropriate therapy and strategies to help achieve you goals through sex therapy.
What do I need to do to prepare for a telehealth appointment?

Before the appointment:
When you book in for an appointment, you will be sent a link to complete the intake and consent form, please complete at your earliest connivence. Before your telehealth appointment it is helpful to have a go using the telehealth platform (Zoom) so you are familiar with how to use the program.

Day of the appointment:
On the day of the appointment, you will be sent a link to the Zoom platform. Find a place where you feel comfortable to talk (aka meaning you’re not going to be interrupted). Using headphones can help people feel more comfortable during the appointment.

Will my details and information be kept confidential?
Absolutely, the details of your sessions and your personal information is completely confidential and by law we are prohibited to share this information with anyone. The only exceptions when we may need to share your information with others is if your (or others) safety is at risk, or from court orders.
How much does it cost?
The price for a 50-minute individual session is $150.00. Currently, you are unable to use a Mental Health Care Plan for Sex Therapy specifically. However, health insurance rebates may apply- please contact your health fund to check rebates amounts.

The price for a 50-minute couples’ session is $200.00 currently, you are unable to use a Mental Health Care Plan for couples counselling. However, health insurance rebates may apply- please contact your health fund to check rebates amounts.

What is the cancellation policy?

If you cancel/reschedule within 24 hours of your appointment there is a $50.00 fee, which is not eligible for Medicare rebates.  Cancelling or rescheduling outside of the 24 hours is free.  

How many sessions will I need?
There is no one correct answer to this question, it depends on so many factors the important thing to note is it doesn’t happen overnight. Coming to therapy takes time and effort but we are always working towards you reaching a goal and ending therapy. You will not need to be in therapy forever.
online sexual therapy

Still have questions? Let’s chat.

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